Editorial Policy

Our Editorial Goals

Our primary aim at Ronins-Guide.com is to share the rich history and culture of the samurai with a global audience. 

We present content that is approachable for both experts and novices in Japanese history, staying open to evolving interpretations and findings. 

We strive to highlight the relevance of samurai values and practices in contemporary contexts, covering a variety of topics from weapons and armor to societal roles and cultural values.

Our Core Principles

Accuracy and Fairness

We ensure all content is fair, thoroughly researched, fact-checked, and clear from biases.

Independence and Continuous Update

We maintain an independent stance in content production, free from external influences or biases.
Content is continually being updated to ensure relevance, driven by our own fund and interests.

Respectful Representation

We portray samurai culture and history with respect, avoiding stereotypes or oversimplifications.

Diverse Perspectives

We avoid favoring particular narratives, striving for a balanced representation of samurai history and culture.

Collaboration and Expertise

We encourage collaboration with external writers and scholars who specialize in samurai history.

Reader Engagement and Feedback

We actively encourage and incorporate feedback from readers and experts to continually improve the website.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

We make the website accessible to individuals of different abilities and backgrounds.

Transparency and Ethical Journalism

We are transparent about our sources and avoid sensationalism, ensuring ethical journalism practices.

Additional Policies and Notes

Note on Translated Text: We acknowledge that translated text may occasionally contain inaccuracies and strive for precision in translation.

Image Credits: All images are credited to their original artists or sources, respecting their creative work and intellectual property.

Feedback and Corrections

Feedback on Content Accuracy: We encourage reports of content that is missing, unclear, confusing, inaccurate, false, or doubtful.

Guidelines for Providing Feedback: When providing feedback, specify the story or event, explain concerns, and, if possible, include sources.

We Welcome Your Feedback

To further our commitment to accuracy, fairness, and continuous improvement, we welcome feedback from our readers and experts in the field. 

Feedback can be submitted through our website via email, or through social media channels. 

This valuable input helps us to refine our content, explore new topics, and enhance user experience.